Friday, July 18, 2014

Special letter from Samuel

Hey everyone!

It's me, Samuel. I figured it was about time for me to say hi and thank all of you personally who have been praying hard for me even since first hearing I was going to be joining the Ver Steeg family. I want everyone to know that your prayers are effective and being answered. My mommy had a good follow-up appointment today and the doctor told her everything is looking great and that the cerclage is holding up just as she would expect to see. Mommy & Daddy are thanking God for this good news!

I was also thoroughly checked today, having my second anatomy ultrasound since I'm that much bigger than the last one at 16 weeks. The ultrasound tech said I weigh 14 ounces now and am measuring overall at 21 weeks...4 days ahead. And guess what, I'm still a boy too :) But then I already knew that.  I was doing my best to be super active while everyone was watching me. So when I needed to rest a little, the tech didn't seem to like that...something to do about being unable to finish checking out my heart. She even made Mommy try switching positions to get me to move again, but I was perfectly happy right where I was. Then I heard the words "stubborn" and "Dutch". Not really certain what that was all about but I'm sure it had nothing to do with me. Daddy??

I want to ask for your continued prayers for me and Mommy, that the cerclage would continue to do its job well, and that I would stay safe inside for a long time yet. I'm so excited to meet all of you that have been praying for me but I know its best that I grow even bigger and stronger first. My mommy tells me all the the time how loved I am and how much prayer there has been for me, before anyone has yet met me. All I know is that I am well taken care of and am safe and cozy in here. Something else I am told a lot is that I am blessed.

Love, Samuel
Waving bye-bye!